Neither one nor Many

September 13 2015

Today I published my first Android (Wear) App! . The idea behind this clock is that it uses concentric circles to show time, and doesn't use analog clock hands or numeric time notation. This is something I have on a bigger LCD screen at home for a while now, and now that there is Android Wear for a while, I wanted to implement this for Android.

Some example visualizations

There is more theory behind the visualization, more on that on the website:

Android Watch Face

WebGL from the Website

You need to have WebGL support in your browser in order to see the following live-clock.

Some comments on Android Wear development

Android Wear is relatively new, and I never read any book on the Android Framework. Luckily I had some Java experience. Overall I am impressed by the design of the Framework, although it also confused the hell out of me on various occasions @:|@.

Some stuff I needed to realize or discover during development:

  • (Very basic:) an Activity only runs when it's the current activity.
  • If you need stuff running for longer than an Activity, you need Services.
  • In Java you don't have RAII like in C++/PHP. If you have handlers for threads etc. you should stop them in some onDestroy() method.
  • Packaging, creating the APK for use in f.i. the Play Store was counter intuitive, at least for me. Follow the example project provided by Google closely in your project w/respect to Gradle files. I had a perfectly good working APK that came out of Android Studio, it worked whenever I sent it to others, but it was not accepted by the Play store.
  • There is already OpenGL support for Watch Faces. You need to extend Gles2WatchFaceService.
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**) I plan to automate this.., but it's on my ToDo since for ever..

Ray Burgemeestre
february 23th, 1984

C++, Linux, Webdev

Other interests:
Music, Art, Zen