Neither one nor Many
Software engineering blog about my projects, geometry, visualization and music.
Opening phpmyadmin becomes quite annoying if the initial loading takes around 30 seconds, after logging in. Viewing the queries being executed by phpmyadmin with meta log monitor easily shows the bottleneck is "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM '<DATABASE>'". It is the only query requiring > 14 seconds in this case.
Phpmyadmin executes this query twice: in it's navigation frame for a listing of tables and in the right frame for the detailed listing.
The output of this query is not that accurate. Running it twice, and comparing the output shows some columns are estimates. So if we would cache it for two minutes that would probably not harm phpmyadmin.
Then I created a table where to store the SHOW TABLE STATUS output into (I realize the types I used are probably overkill for some fields ).
CREATE TABLE showtablecache (
Database_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Name_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Engine_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Version Integer(11),
Row_format_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Rows_ BigInt(20),
Avg_row_length BigInt(20),
Data_length BigInt(20),
Max_data_length BigInt(20),
Index_length BigInt(20),
Data_free BigInt(20),
Auto_increment_ BigInt(20),
Create_time DateTime,
Update_time DateTime,
Check_time DateTime,
Collation_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Checksum VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Create_options VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci,
Comment_ VarChar(255) CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;
This doesn't work by the way:
INSERT INTO showtablecache SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM '<DATABASE>' (leaving the "Database_" column from above CREATE TABLE).
I didn't really expect that to work, but I would have been pleasantly surprised if it did .
I created a resultset with similar output to the SHOW TABLE STATUS query with a SELECT query on INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES. And perform INSERT's with the following cron:
$res = $conn->select('SHOW DATABASES');
while ($row = $res->assoc())
$dbname = current($row);
print "Caching $dbname...";
$conn->update('DELETE FROM showtablecache WHERE Database_ = \'' . $conn->escape($dbname) . '\'');
$conn->update('INSERT INTO showtablecache
SELECT \''.$conn->escape($dbname).'\'
table_schema = \'' . $conn->escape($dbname).'\'');
print "done.\n";
I run this script every 2 minutes. You really want the transaction because you don't want the cache to be empty between the DELETE and the time the INSERT finishes.
The final step was to rewrite the SHOW TABLE STATUS queries to SELECT queries on our new cache table. This turns out to be quite simple using a neat Lua script for mysql-proxy:
0 ---
1 -- Uses MySQL-Proxy to rewrite annoyingly slow SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `<DATABASE>` queries to a SELECT from our periodic cache
2 --
3 -- @author trigen
4 --
5 function read_query( packet )
6 if string.byte(packet) == proxy.COM_QUERY then
7 local query = string.sub(packet, 2)
9 -- attempt to match the query, and more specifically extract the requested database
10 local dbname = string.match(string.upper(query), "^SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM \`(%a*)\`")
11 if dbname then
12 local newquery = string.format('SELECT' ..
13 ' Name_ AS `Name`,' ..
14 ' Engine_ AS `Engine`,' ..
15 ' Version,' ..
16 ' Row_format_ AS `Row_format`,' ..
17 ' Rows_ AS `Rows`,' ..
18 ' Avg_row_length,' ..
19 ' Data_length,' ..
20 ' Max_data_length,' ..
21 ' Index_length,' ..
22 ' Data_free,' ..
23 ' Auto_increment_ AS `Auto_increment`,' ..
24 ' Create_time,' ..
25 ' Update_time,' ..
26 ' Check_time,' ..
27 ' Collation_ AS `Collation`,' ..
28 ' Checksum,' ..
29 ' Comment_ AS `Comment`,' ..
30 ' Create_options' ..
31 ' FROM' ..
32 ' tweakers.showtablecache' ..
33 ' WHERE Database_ = %q', dbname);
34 print('CONVERTING ' .. query .. ' ===> ' .. newquery);
35 proxy.queries:append(1, string.char(proxy.COM_QUERY) .. newquery )
36 return proxy.PROXY_SEND_QUERY
37 end
38 end
39 end
Save that script to pma.lua, start proxy with:
mysql-proxy -P :4041 --keepalive --proxy-backend-addresses=YOUR_SERVER:3306 --proxy-lua-script=pma.lua
Example output of mysql-proxy:
CONVERTING SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `tweakers` ===> SELECT Name_ AS `Name`, Engine_ AS `Engine`, Version, Row_format_ AS `Row_format`, Rows_ AS `Rows`, Avg_row_length, Data_length, Max_data_length, Index_length, Data_free, Auto_increment_ AS `Auto_increment`, Create_time, Update_time, Check_time, Collation_ AS `Collation`, Checksum, Comment_ AS `Comment`, Create_options FROM tweakers.showtablecache WHERE Database_ = "TWEAKERS"
CONVERTING SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `tweakers` ===> SELECT Name_ AS `Name`, Engine_ AS `Engine`, Version, Row_format_ AS `Row_format`, Rows_ AS `Rows`, Avg_row_length, Data_length, Max_data_length, Index_length, Data_free, Auto_increment_ AS `Auto_increment`, Create_time, Update_time, Check_time, Collation_ AS `Collation`, Checksum, Comment_ AS `Comment`, Create_options FROM tweakers.showtablecache WHERE Database_ = "TWEAKERS"
Example output for metalogmon:
I never did any Lua scripting before, I find this website quite useful as it provides a console for Lua (but for other languages as well). This way you can test some stuff without constantly restarting mysql-proxy.
With regards to the caching, if you create a new table, this table will become visible once the cron updated the cache. So you don't want to set the delay for too long. You could do some extra scripting for encountered CREATE TABLE statements in mysql-proxy, or make a more advanced cron script that checks the faster "SHOW TABLES;" more often to see if any caching needs more priority.
website: VR4O40R0 @
2024-09-28 07:07:50