Neither one nor Many
Software engineering blog about my projects, geometry, visualization and music.
Hopefully some ideas on this blog will be new, or just fun. It's also for myself to keep a track of certain stuff. About the blog itself, it doesn't use typical blog or CMS software. It uses C++, and has interfaces to other tools. I created this system in a few hours this weekend, it's quite minimal.
How does it work? I have to run Xming on my windows box, and request from the administration panel of the blog a management console. This opens a C++ program developed using DialogBlocks (my best software-buy ever!!) / wxWidgets. In this application I can add sites, and choose what categories should be dispatched to it. This is the weirdest part I guess, no regular login + management through a webinterface.
Why do I do it like this? First of all I don't like to write HTML. That's why I can define a (simple) site template with a HAML and SASS, and add some markers in it for replacement.
Demo snippet from the screenshot:
(defun factorial (n)
(if (<= n 1)
(* n (factorial (- n 1)))))
The editor simply has a listing of articles, which are stored in multimarkdown syntax. (note: this format is actually easily converted to LaTeX pdf documents as well!(works like a charm)). I have made some facilities to make it easy to add i.e. C++ or other code-snippets (they can be editted in separate files). Using this code prettifyer by Mike Samuel. They will be represented by a string like (lisp-code filename), and if I use that in the markdown document it will place syntax highlighted code with the snippet there. I made something similar for images and some meta-data with regards to the articles is stored using TinyXML.
In the editor I can request gvim or xemacs to edit the markdown (or a snippet), or use the one build-in.
Lastly, I can (re)generate (parts of- or the entire-)website. It will convert HAML files to HTML. Markdown to HTML. Merge the snippets, merge articles with main html. And the website is updated.