Neither one nor Many
Software engineering blog about my projects, geometry, visualization and music.
To everybody that contacted me, and whom I didn't reply to from my hotmail address: please read this, I had problems with the Hotmail Junk filter *again* sorry!
This script can fold PHP functions and/or classes, properties with their PhpDoc, without manually adding marker style folds ({{{ and }}}). It will fold stuff into something like the following screenshot.
This script is tested successfully with Vim version >= 6.3 on windows and linux (With 6.0 it works sometimes, I don't recommend using it in that version)
But I'd recommend using a new vim, at the time of writing 7.3 works fine with it!
You can also install spf13's vim distribution (if you like it). phpfolding.vim is included in this package too. I'm testing it out at the moment, like it so far. Kind of missed my mappings though, so I still added <F5>, <F6> and <F7> to my .vimrc.
Also I noticed EnableFastPHPFolds gives better results now better than EnablePHPFolds, this is what I experienced at work anyway, with vim 7.3. This used to be the other way around..
map <F5> <Esc>:EnableFastPHPFolds<Cr> map <F6> <Esc>:EnablePHPFolds<Cr> map <F7> <Esc>:DisablePHPFolds<Cr>
" Don't use the PHP syntax folding setlocal foldmethod=manual " Turn on PHP fast folds EnableFastPHPFolds
let php_folding=0 (if you can't use the after directory in step 3) source ~/path/to/phpfolding.vim (if you're not using the default plugin directory)
I use my hotmail address for accounts where my e-mail is publicaly displayed, like in my profile page on (I don't want spam in my primary e-mail inbox). So I only check my e-mail this hotmail address every now and then, probably every 6 months and it's full of stuff spam so I could have easily missed e-mails regarding phpfolding. I discovered in 2010 that there was feedback in my Junk filter, so I turned the Junk filter off, anyways that's how I remember it (and how I wrote it down). Now in 2012 I check the Junk filter again, and there is another email. Junk is automatically deleted after X days, so who knows how many mails I might have missed.
Really don't understand why it got into Junk, this specific person wrote hello, introduced himself, said something nice and signs off the e-mail. All in normal letter formatting, no URL's or e-mail addresses used, no images, just plain text. It was a valid gmail address, there were no weird Headers, and it was sent from gmail itself not some other smtp server...
You can contact me here by commenting, or send me an e-mail to the new one I use in my profile at
2014-05-30 13:01:14
When i try to install this plugin with vundle plugin vim shows the following error:
Se ha detectado un error al procesar /home/rtorralba/.vim/bundle/phpfolding.vim/plugin/phpfolding.vim:
línea 57
E15: La expresión no es válida: &cpo^M
línea 58
E488: Caracteres en exceso al final de la línea: cpo&vim^M
línea 59
E492: No es una orden del editor: ^M
línea 61
E15: La expresión no es válida: exists('loaded_phpfolding')^M
línea 68
E488: Caracteres en exceso al final de la línea
línea 632
E488: Caracteres en exceso al final de la línea
línea 634
E171: Falta ":endif"